Nature Nook!

Date: May 26
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: Level 3 Atrium

Get Hands on with our province’s plants, animals and wild spaces at The Rooms with Nature NL!

Nature Nook is a monthly hands-on session to interact with real specimens like seal pelts, skulls, whale baleen, antlers, moose fur, and a variety of rocks and minerals. Join us to learn more about nature and ask our volunteers all your questions about Newfoundland and Labrador’s wildlife!

Included in the cost of admission.

Events & Programs

10:30 am - 11:00 am

For centuries, fishing for cod has played a vital role in the lives of the peoples of Newfoundland and Labrador. Generations of fishing men, women and children made use of the land and sea to sustain them and spent their lives “making fish”.

Offered Wednesdays and Saturdays 10:30 am. Included in the cost of admission.

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

In Beaumont-Hamel and the Trail of the Caribou exhibition find out about the impacts of the First World War on Newfoundlanders and Labradorians and how events overseas dramatically altered our lives at home.

Offered Tuesdays 10:30 am and Saturdays 2:30 pm

Included in the cost of admission.